Sunday, May 26, 2002

Yesterday we went running around doing MORE errands. They never stop. Anyway, the other day I bought 2 new bettas because the other one died. Well, i bought a little tower for one and he was fine and i put the other one in my bowl that i already had. yeah so a little while later the one in the bowl wasn't moving so philip poked it and it didn't do ANYTHING. i was really upset. then like 5 minutes later we were going to put it to rest. yeah it started darting everywhere when we tried to fish it out with the net. ok so we put it in a little jar. we think the bowl might have been too big for him because he's doing fine now that he's in his little betta tower. when i went to buy the tower, i wanted something to put in my bowl because i didn't want to have to put the bowl up since it was out and everything and there's no where to store it in this little apartment. anyway i bought i cool little fantail goldfish. he's a hyper little sucker. so i bought 3 fish in all to make up for my one dead one. man i hope i never have a cat and it dies. cause then i would buy 3 to replace it. then whenever another dies, another 3 to replace and so on. that would be a dilemma because then i would be like a crazy cat lady with a neurotic need to replace dead cats. hmmm....well, they're only fish. we'll see where it goes from here.

Thursday, May 23, 2002

So here I am back in Austin. I was supposed to have my wisdom teeth out yesterday, but my dentist's office made a major scheduling error and they only had me down for a cleaning. TELL ME: Don't you think there's a big difference between someone saying they want their teeth cleaned to having 3 of their teeth extracted? Yeah so anyway, I have to wait til Christmas break. I better get some damn good presents to make up for it too. hehe. So it's about 8:20 CST and I'm fixing to go to work. I'm waiting for Melissa to email me and tell me how to let everyone else put comments on here, so hopefully that will make visits a little more interesting. Tonight we're supposed to go see the bats under the bridge. No not Jimmy the two toed hobo. Jimmy has specifically asked for a two-week vacation to the sewer under the capital. Maybe he'll see Leslie on his vacation (the transvestite Leslie who got jipped out of being mayor despite his awesome campaigning on sixth street). Yeah you can tell how awake I am. See you on the flip side. PEACE!

Thursday, May 16, 2002

Yeay this is my first post. So I start work tomorrow at the Jester West Desk. No, I have not completely escaped the tortures of that bleak, sorry excuse for a motherly safehaven. But at least this time, they're paying ME to screw someone else over. Ah, the memories of freshman orientation. Not knowing anybody, not getting to know hardly anybody. Wait a second, my orientation sucked! Anyway, here's my blogg so have at it!